Birth Story SNAPSHOTS: The Imperfect Ultrasound and Difficult C-Section

Birth Story SNAPSHOTS: The Imperfect Ultrasound and Difficult C-Section

Here’s the premier post to this column about birth stories.  It details the difficult C-section experience and recovery for a mom who is also a nurse.  What follows is the story and then my direct reply to the author.  All names of included people have been altered or omitted for privacy reasons.   The story: When I responded to the c-section article you asked for my son’s story. It has taken me a while to get it together, but here it is. My husband and I tried for 4 years and had 3 losses. When we found out [this pregnancy] was viable we were over the moon. I had always had an idea of how I wanted delivery to go. I wanted an unmedicated delivery and immediate skin to skin. At 28 weeks I was diagnosed with gestational diabetes. I was very strict with my diet and exercise. I only gained 9 pounds during my pregnancy. At about 30 weeks both my primary OB and the MFM (maternal fetal medicine) doctors started telling me [my baby] was macrosomic. My primary OB started pushing me to do a lung maturity and deliver at 35 weeks. I was determined to keep him in until term. At my 38 week appointment my primary OB told me my baby weighed 4200g. She sat down in front of me and told me an induction would be dangerous. She told me it wasn’t safe for me to stay pregnant. “It would be a real shame if after all you have been through he had a dystocia (baby’s shoulder getting stuck at the time of vaginal...