Best Birth Plan EVER

Best Birth Plan EVER

This week, I heard the best birth plan EVER.

But first, let me preface this with my spiel I give every pregnant lady who asks about birth plans or my take on their delivery.

I tell them: It’s your body, your baby, your delivery.

My job is to keep you both safe and explain everything along the way.

You can do whatever you want, as permitted by state law.

My one rule is you get an IV placed. You don’t have to use it, you just need to have it in case you hemorrhage or get sick fast and we need it.

You can eat, walk, monitor or not, have cervical checks or not, be induced (39+w) or wait for labor, go medication free or get your epidural as soon as you hit the door, you can be in whatever position that suits you, delay cord clamping, have immediate skin to skin, breastfeed, bottle-feed, use a paci, opt for an elective CS if you listen to my rationale for why it can be a bad idea- because it’s your deal.

You can have no birth plan or a 10 page birth plan, as long as you know that all good plans can go to shit and the Murphy’s joke is Birth Plan = CS.

I will tell you what I recommend and what I don’t and why. We’ll discuss it all as it comes up. If we don’t see eye to eye on something major, we’ll bring in someone else to weigh in.

That being said, the best birth plan EVER: “My clients ask me about my birth plan and I tell them, I’m going to let the doctor do her job. My plan is to HAVE A BABY.”


  1. I agree with you. I am just gonna get to the hospital, and cross each bridge, jungle, land mine, sinkhole, rocky terrain, or smooth grassy plain….. When that time comes. 😉

    • Smart lady! You’re going to do great embracing this adventure.

  2. I have a feeling this may have been me! Too funny, and who would have thought it actually worked out as planned! Ha ha. I hope you are doing well in Bend! I will miss you when we embark on “round 2”.

  3. Oh look another post where you sound like a jaded little Cunt.

    The entire point of a birthplan is for mom to feel comfortable and in control.
    You do your job right and it shouldn’t effect it.
    You are always complaining about patients and making snide remarks like this about how this is the best one you ever heard.
    I feel so sorry for your patients.
    You probably make them feel so stupid.

  4. Yikes, the previous commenter was pretty harsh. But I will say – that’s not a birth plan, it’s an approach (and a valid one). But birth plans typically don’t get in the way of “letting the doctor do her job”, they are supposed to help the doctor do her job, which is to help the woman give birth safely, and on her terms. The comment – and your support of it – implies that you and this woman believe otherwise, that birth plans get in the way of a doctor doing her job. Which kind of refutes the assertion you make earlier, that you have no problem with birth plans. This is disappointing coming from someone who is supposed to be a competent and supportive professional.


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